The Benefits of a Portable Bucket BBQ

Summer is approaching in the UK and there is nothing the Brits love more than a barbecue! This summer, whether you are hitting the beach, park, music festivals or just sitting outside in your own back garden, there are plenty of reasons to invest in an innovative portable bucket BBQ.

The bucket BBQ is incredibly simple yet very effective. It is literally a bucket that has been converted into a BBQ, with heat holes, a fitted food grid and a higher handle to avoid heat burns.

In this article we are going to put forward a strong case for buying a bucket barbecue instead of a more traditional one.

1.       The bucket BBQ is portable

This is the most important selling point to be made about the bucket barbeque; it is easily ported from one place to the next. Simply be lifting the bucket you can easily move it around, making it a lot better than traditional barbecues or disposable barbecues which cannot be moved.

2.       Ideal for festivals

If you are attending one of the many music festivals happening across the UK this year, you will know that a summer barbecue is almost obligatory. Unfortunately many councils have banned the usage of disposable BBQ’s because of the damage they cause to grass, but this is not so with the bucket BBQ which is available with an inner bucket to avoid burning!

3.       Very low cost

While you can pay hundreds of pounds for a barbecue, the bucket BBQ is very inexpensive coming in at £20-£30 for a high quality model. They are also available in many different styles, from lavish fruit prints through to the traditional fire bucket which just states “FIRE” across the bucket. This makes then stylish as well as functional.

4.       Safe to use

These barbecue buckets have been created specifically for use as a barbeque and as such a normal bucket should be turned into a makeshift BBQ. The bucket BBQ has ventilation holes, extra strong steel to contain the coal and a heightened handle to avoid burning. This makes then incredibly safe to use.

5.       Looks cool

As stated previously these buckets are also available in various colours and designs, making them truly stand out from other barbecues and other bucket barbeques also.

The bucket BBQ is truly an innovation – it is based on an incredibly simple design but engineered for an entirely different purpose. If there is one thing you need this summer, it is a bucket BBQ!

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